Sessions, Speakers & Presentations/Handouts

Conference Tracks
Select a conference track from the list below to see session, speaker, and handout/presentation information for that track.

Workshops Session Five
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 • 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

EI.5: Green Products: Making Decisions with Imperfect Knowledge
Room 309/310

Session purpose is to explore how the evolving fields of Alternative Assessment, Product Standards, and Product Certifications can help purchasers, consumers, and policy makers make better decisions about what make a “greener” product. Where is the state of the art now, and what challenges remain? How should these tools be wielded to avoid pitfalls and lead us toward a greener future? Attendees will come away with a better understanding of the practical application of the emerging practice of chemical alternative assessment; useful approaches for evaluating ecolabels and product certifications; and pitfalls to avoid when trying to make decisions about environmentally preferable products. We will use an engaging format to address audience questions and concerns.


Alicia Culver, Executive Director, Responsible Purchasing Network
John Katz, Pollution Prevention Coordinator, US Environmental Protection Agency , Region 9


No presentations or handouts have been submitted for this session.
HHW.5: Sustaining Programs with Limited Resources
Room 313

Leveraging Partnerships to run HHW Programs—Reaching across the issues to create policies, programs and partnerships to protect the environment. One of the biggest environmental programs local governments are mandated with is managing and collecting hazardous waste. We use every trick in the book to control costs, but the simple fact remains that we must leverage resources and develop partnerships to address overlapping issues. These resources include: grants, public/private partnerships, using onsite personnel to offset costs, and treating wastes as a commodity for revenue generation. What are the real time expectations of maintaining a meaningful HHW, universal waste, and EPR Collection Programs over the coming years? Where can we find funding? What are some current program success stories? This interactive discussion welcomes aggressive thinking and the enthusiastic sharing of ideas among jurisdictions represented in the audience.


Natalia Jimenez, Environmental Affairs Manager, Los Angeles County
Armine Kesablyan, Program Manager II, Los Angeles County
Justin Lewis, Environmental Management Coordinator, City of Lancaster
Moderator: Brent Whitener, Programs Manager, Humboldt Waste Management Authority


UO.5: Used Oil Lifecycle Assessment
Room 311/312

In 2009, SB 546 made a number of changes to the California Oil Recycling Enhancement Act, including requiring CalRecycle to complete a Lifecycle Assessment on the used oil management system in California. In July 2013, the contractor reports related to that project were completed. This session will present the results of those contractor reports and describe the draft findings made by CalRecycle.


Robert Carlson, Senior Integrated Waste Management Specialist, CalRecycle


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