Sessions, Speakers & Presentations/Handouts

Conference Tracks
Select a conference track from the list below to see session, speaker, and handout/presentation information for that track.

Workshops Session Three
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 • 10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

EI.3: Turning Waste Into Profit through Material Exchange Networks
Room 309/310

The Earth's regenerative ability can no longer keep pace with human demand-people are turning resources into waste faster than nature can turn waste back into resources. To restore equilibrium, businesses, government, nonprofits, trade associations, and academia are recognizing the economic and environmental value of their waste streams. Through the use of material exchange networks entities generate new revenue and savings by re-using undervalued materials. In addition, material exchange networks slow the pace of extracting virgin materials resulting in energy, water, hazardous pollutants and GHG reductions.


Ken Pereira, Supervising Waste Management Specialist, Sacramento County
Mary Rose, Co-Executive Director, NBIS (Network for Business Innovation & Sustainability)
Thomas Vinson, Senior Program Coordinator, Zero Waste Network, University of Texas Arlington


HHW.3: California’s Paint Product Stewardship Program
Room 313

Product stewardship is a product-centered approach to environmental protection. It calls on those in the product lifecycle—manufacturers, retailers, consumers and recyclers—to share responsibility for reducing the environmental impacts of products. This session will provide an opportunity for various stakeholders involved in product stewardship to share successes and challenges of implementing a stewardship program. The session would also provide an update on the PaintCare Program's progress to date, and findings from the first annual report. PaintCare, a non-profit stewardship organization, was created by the American Coatings Association for the purpose of managing post-consumer paint in states with paint product stewardship legislation. California's paint product stewardship legislation went into effect October 19, 2012.


Lyn Beurmann, Waste Management Supervisor, County of Kern
Gene Brickhouse, General Manager, True Value
Caitlin Sanders, California Program Manager, PaintCare, Inc.


UO.3: What’s New is Oil Again: Refreshing the Used Oil Payment Program
Room 311/312

What’s New in the Oil Program! New grant programs, new statewide outreach contracts, and the Farm and Ranch Grant Solid Waste Cleanup Grant Program. Come and hear the latest information to help you in your used oil and filter recycling programs! CalRecycle staff will provide an update overview of the Oil Payment Program (OPP) reporting system, upcoming statewide used oil contracts, and the used oil California Certified Collection Center Program. Information on CalRecycle’ s Farm and Ranch Grant Cleanup Program will also be presented for jurisdictions requiring assistance in their cleanup of illegal solid waste sites on farm or ranch properties. The session concludes with an opportunity for OPP participants to pose questions to the panel as well as meet in the smaller groups with their respective CalRecycle Program Advisors.


Baljot Biring, Integrated Waste Management Specialist, CalRecycle
Alan Ilusorio, Integrated Waste Management Specialist, CalRecycle
Carla Repucci, Integrated Waste Management Specialist, CalRecycle
Harnak Samra, Integrated Waste Management Specialist, CalRecycle


No presentations or handouts have been submitted for this session.
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