Sessions, Speakers & Presentations/Handouts

Conference Tracks
Select a conference track from the list below to see session, speaker, and handout/presentation information for that track.

Workshops Session Six
Thursday, October 31, 2013 • 10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

EI.6: Emerging Issues in Green Business Programs – Partnerships, Green Jobs and Technology
Room 309/310

Green business program experts from the City of Placentia, the State of Hawaii and the California Green Business Program will share cutting edge program information that can benefit any environmental or pollution prevention program manager. Presenters will orient attendees to how today’s Green Business Programs help businesses and their agencies achieve environmental compliance and then go beyond to increase the sustainability of their operations. Innovations that are supporting the start up, expansion, and increased effectiveness of these programs include leveraging partnerships, focusing on economic development and job training, and gathering and using metrics to measure performance and increase program support. CAlifornia Green Business Program Network (CAGBN ) also recently participated in the first national Summit of Green Business Challenges and will share some fun new ideas for your P2 and zero waste programs.


Antonia Castro-Graham, MPA, Management Analyst, City of Placentia
Jonathan Chin, Energy Analyst, State of Hawaii , DBEDT, Energy Office
Kirsten Liske, Vice President P2 Zero Waste, Ecology Action
Gail Suzuki-Jones, Energy Analyst, State of Hawaii , DBEDT, Energy Office


HHW.6: HHW Program Compliance Issues
Room 313

Household hazardous waste programs are subject to many regulatory requirements. The Department of Toxic Substances Control will begin the session with a presentation and discussion of current regulatory requirements and topics impacting operations. The session will then move into an open forum for HHW operators (and other stakeholders) to propose specific changes they believe are necessary to more effectively and efficiently collect HHW and CESQG waste. The primary audience is local government HHW program managers and operators.


Kevin Sanchez, Environmental Scientist, DTSC
Larry Sweetser, President, Sweetser & Associates, Inc.
Marc Winkler, HHW Operations Manager, PSC
Moderator: Dee Johnson, , Novato Sanitary District


UO.6: Why Bio? Time for an Oil Change
Room 311/312

Hiding in plain sight, on roads and parking lots are dirty spots of oil. Ever wonder where this oil comes from and where it goes as rain washes it away? CA buys 150 million gallons of motor oil each year generating 90 million of used oil. What happens to the other 60 million gallons of uncollectable used oil and how can we effectively apply Source Reduction and Pollution Prevention techniques to this massive annual “Silent Oil Spill?” Implementing extended oil drain intervals and increasing the recyling and re-use of used oil are two ways.


Linda Adams, Partner, Clean Tech Advocates
Ed Benelli, Hazardous Substances Engineer, California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Gregory Blake, Executive Director, Time for an Oil Change


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