November 2020

Register for the virtual worhsop here!

Dear Recycling Market Development Zone (RMDZ) Workshop Attendee:
We are pleased to invite you to CalRecycle's second ever virtual Zone Works Training Workshop on November 19th. Zone Works offers the unique opportunity for Zone Administrators, CalRecycle Zone Liaisons and Loan staff, and valued program partners to regularly convene and discuss current issues and to coordinate business assistance. Through the educational and networking sessions, attendees will have the opportunity to learn about new and expanding funding opportunities and other business incentives to support recycling manufacturers and reuse/recovery networks.

Workshop Summary
Matt Henigan, Deputy Director, Materials Management and Local Assistance Division, CalRecycle, will begin the virtual workshop with his opening remarks and updates.

In the first session of the virtual workshop, David Goldstein, the Ventura County RMDZ Zone Administrator, will share the work he and others have done with creative financing to fund an Anaerobic Digester at a Wastewater Treatment Plant in his zone.

Manuel Medrano, Zone Administrator, South San Diego/Imperial County and your California Association of Recycling Market Development Zones president, will facilitate this session. First up: Antonia Graham will have a marketing team from California State University Fullerton present the marketing campaign they created for the Orange County RMDZ, how they developed it, and how zones around the state can use their local colleges and universities to replicate this effort. Then, Manuel will ask ZAs to share their business assistance projects and describe how the pandemic is affecting them and their businesses.

For Session 3, David Goldstein is lining up a prerecorded virtual tour of a company in his zone that will walk us around their facility and talk to us live about issues they have with contamination and how they are dealing with them. They will also answer your questions.

During our last session, Manuel Medrano and John Davis, both ZAs, will wrap up the workshop with an update about their important work on the governor’s Statewide Commission on Recycling Markets and Curbside Recycling.

This virtual workshop will give us the opportunity to connect and share resources in spite of Covid-19!

We hope you will join us via Zoom on November 19 from 9:00 AM to noon. You can hop on at 8:30 to begin mingling with your colleagues. Register for the virtual worhsop here!

In the meantime, if you have any questions about Zone Works, please contact me.


Frank Severson, Zone Works Coordinator
Local Assistance and Market Development or (916) 341-6259