Sponsor Endorsement


Cohort Information

Please review the dates below; if the applicant you are sponsoring is accepted into the LDA you must be available to participate in the Sponsor Orientation, Sponsor Mid-Course Telecoaching, and Graduation.

Chief Deputy Director Concurrence

All Chief Deputy Directors will receive a list of all LDA applicants for information and possible prioritization. The CalHHS Agency will secure that concurrence prior to the review and selection of the cohort.

Sponsor Information

Applicant Name

Privacy Policy:

The College of Continuing Education respects your right to privacy. Any information given to us when requesting course or program material will be used solely for the purpose of answering or responding to your request. We do not sell or otherwise distribute your personal information. We may, however, use it to provide you with advanced notices of our course offerings. If at any time you wish to be removed from our mailing lists, you may contact us and your request will be processed immediately.