CSAD 129: Audiometry and Hearing Screening for School Nurses Course Interest Form

Please answer the questions below, to assess your eligibility for the course.

Please note: * (asterisk) Indicates a required field.

Contact Information

Current Student?:

Are you a current Sac State Student?

Sac State Course:

Employer/RN/SN Information

What school district do you currently work for?

What is your RN license number?

*What is your School Nurse (SN) preliminary credential expiration date?

SNC + MSN Enrollment:

*Are you currently enrolled in the SNC + MSN program through Sacramento State?

Privacy Policy:

The College of Continuing Education respects your right to privacy. Any information given to us when requesting course or program material will be used solely for the purpose of answering or responding to your request. We do not sell or otherwise distribute your personal information. We may, however, use it to provide you with advanced notices of our course offerings. If at any time you wish to be removed from our mailing lists, you may contact us and your request will be processed immediately.